Cessna 172SP
$160/tach hour wet* Cessna 182
$175/tach hour wet* Cessna 182RG
$190/tach hour wet*
* Rates as of 7/1/2022. Includes a $20/hr engine replacement surcharge and a $30/hour fuel surcharge. Aircraft are inspected and maintained by our club-member A&Ps resulting in efficiency while reducing operating expenses.
Arizona Flyer's Club Insurance
Members are covered by a $1 million insurance policy while operating club-owned aircraft.
Arizona Flyer's Club Check Out and Requirements
All pilots are required to stay current in accordance with FAA and ARIZONA FLYERS CLUB rules. New members are required to complete a checkout and sign off process with two Club instructors in the aircraft in which they are qualified. The minimum qualifications to fly Club aircraft are set out below:
Cessna 172SP
Checkout with club approved CFI (no minimum time).
Cessna 182
1) 150 hours.
2) High Performance Endorsement .
3) Checkout with club CFI with minimum time requirements. If less than 10 hours logged in C182, a minimum of a 3-hour checkout with club CFI.
Cessna 182RG
1) 250 hours.
2) High Performance and Complex Endorsements.
3) Checkout with Club CFI with minimum time requirements. If less than 25 hours of retractable time and 10 hours in R182, a minimum of a 10-hours of instruction including 15 takeoffs and landings in R182 with Club CFI.